Disaster giving: Perspectives for your clients

Disaster giving: Perspectives for your clients Both the recent one-year anniversary of the start of the Ukraine conflict and the earthquake that has devastated Turkey and Syria are causing more and more people to explore ways they can help. In an era of abundant giving methods and (sadly) potential fraud, The Community Foundation is a […]

In the news: Billionaire givers, QCDs, and celebrity inspiration

In the news: Billionaire givers, QCDs, and celebrity inspiration This month, we’re offering three suggestions for deeper reading on current topics in charitable giving. Bring out your inner academic with this blog post published by the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at Indiana University, especially if you’re interested in the latest chatter and variety of […]

In case you missed it: Three tax tips worth smiling about

In case you missed it: Three tax tips worth smiling about Energy incentive extends to nonprofit organizations Nonprofits and other exempt entities are often left out of discussions when new tax incentives are proposed in Congress, primarily (and logically) because these organizations don’t pay tax. Fortunately, nonprofits are not left out of a recently enhanced […]

It’s not too early for spring cleaning: Make this the year to help clients get organized

It’s not too early for spring cleaning: Make this the year to help clients get organized If you’re already dreading asking your clients to pull together their receipts and other documents for 2022 tax filings, this may be a good time to take proactive steps to avoid being in this same spot next year. When […]

My Experience with Scholarships and Advice for Student Applicants by Ann Siciliano

Who: Amanda, our Director of Marketing and Program Initiatives, sat down with Ann Siciliano, Director of Program Services.   The Community Foundation is in scholarship season which means eligible students are applying for school funding. Preparing for college is scary enough, but we want student applicants to know that our staff is here for them. […]

Community foundations: Unparalleled resources

Community foundations: Unparalleled resources for local giving with major impact  As economic times get tough, more and more people are asking how they can make the biggest difference right in their own backyard. Indeed, local giving is a topic that has even made its way into the opinions of the mainstream media, causing many charitably-inclined […]

Valuable conversations: Why it’s smart to talk with your clients about charitable giving

Valuable conversations: Why it’s smart to talk with your clients about charitable giving January is a good time to start helping your clients plan for their annual giving. With the year-end flurry of donations still fresh in many clients’ minds, you may discover that clients will welcome your suggestion to make 2023 the year to […]

It just keeps getting better: Why charitable gift annuities are having a moment

It just keeps getting better: Why charitable gift annuities are having a moment Charitable gift annuities (CGAs) are becoming more attractive to philanthropists, making this planned giving vehicle a good fit for your clients who like the idea of an up-front tax deduction, a steady lifetime income stream, and a remainder gift to charity. If […]

Ring in the new year with new charitable giving tax laws

Ring in the new year with new charitable giving tax laws If you’ve been tracking federal legislation, you’re likely aware that on December 29, 2022, President Biden signed a $1.65 trillion-dollar omnibus spending bill known as the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023 (“CAA”). A component of this legislation, known as “SECURE 2.0,” includes many provisions […]

Invest in impact built on trust

Invest in impact built on trust If you’ve supported a particular charitable organization for many years, and perhaps even served on its board of directors, you are likely familiar with some basic concepts of “trust-based philanthropy,” even if you didn’t know that’s what it is called. As a devoted supporter of the nonprofit organizations you […]

2023 Scholarships Now Available

2023 Student Scholarships now Available Harrisonburg-Rockingham students may now apply for college funding from The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County (TCFHR) until April 10, 2023. The majority of scholarships give to current or former residents of Harrisonburg or Rockingham County. Scholarship funds are for tuition and related educational expenses and made directly to […]

Intentional philanthropy is critical in a downturn

Intentional philanthropy is critical in a downturn Your family may be among those who are taking their charitable giving budgets more seriously this year, given the stock market’s challenges, rising interest rates, economic concerns, and anticipated cash crunches. At the same time, not surprisingly, community needs tend to rise during uncertain economic times. As 2023 […]