Your donor-advised fund: Think “hub,” not “autopilot”

Your donor-advised fund: Think “hub,” not “autopilot” Perhaps you established a donor-advised fund at The Community Foundation years ago, or you set up a donor-advised fund more recently. Or maybe you are considering establishing a donor-advised fund at The Community Foundation this year to help you keep your giving more organized and involve your children […]

Crisis giving: Avoiding pitfalls

Crisis giving: Avoiding pitfalls Whether you’re motivated to respond to needs created by a conflict, accident, or natural disaster, it’s human nature to want to help—especially through financial support. All too often, a tragic event occurs and is quickly publicized through news accounts or social media. Then, the dollars start rolling into a crowdfunding site […]

Gifts of “complex” assets deliver multiple benefits

Gifts of “complex” assets deliver multiple benefits When you think about supporting your favorite charities or making contributions to your donor-advised or other type of fund at The Community Foundation, cash may be the first thing that comes to mind. It seems so easy to just write a check or donate online. (You probably don’t […]

Get ahead of the year-end rush

Get ahead of the year-end rush Holidays and tax planning (although very different in the ways they are celebrated!) are both year-end traditions. No doubt (?) you’ve got the holidays covered, and perhaps your advisors are already helping you make sure your tax planning is in place. It’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with […]

Life insurance: A key charitable planning tool for certain clients

Life insurance: A key charitable planning tool for certain clients As an advisor, you often talk with your clients about life insurance–how much is enough and which policies are best suited for a client’s particular situation. As you counsel your clients about risk management and the role of life insurance in their estate plans, don’t […]

Tips for clients’ year-end giving

Tips for clients’ year-end giving Year-end giving makes up a significant portion of total revenue for most charitable organizations. Research even shows that a whopping 25% of online giving occurs in December! What this means is that there’s a pretty good chance your clients are already considering end-of-year gifts to support causes they care about, […]

Spotting opportunity: Moving from a commercial fund to The Community Foundation

Spotting opportunity: Moving from a commercial fund to The Community Foundation Although a donor-advised fund, which is becoming a more and more popular charitable planning tool, can be established through a national financial institution, The Community Foundation offers its donor-advised fund holders much broader services, more personal attention, and deeper connections to the nonprofits whose […]

A Surprise for First Step!

SURPRISE!    In honor of their 25th anniversary, TCFHR announced to nonprofit organizations in the summer that they would award a special $25,000 grant to a selected nonprofit who submitted a Giving Back application by September 1. A committee reviewed 66 worthy applications and selected nine for the full TCFHR Board to consider. The Board […]

Clients want to know: What’s deductible and what’s not?

Clients want to know: What’s deductible and what’s not? Whether you are an estate planning attorney, financial advisor, or accountant, you’ve probably seen an uptick in client questions about tax deductions–and tax rules in general–over the last few years. Tax law changes at the end of 2017 have caused a lot of ongoing taxpayer confusion. To […]

Do good, feel better: Philanthropy through the lens of well-being

Do good, feel better: Philanthropy through the lens of well-being Philanthropy means “love of humanity”—and, according to some, “philanthropy” includes acts that benefit both the giver and the receiver. This is surprising to some people who have been taught “it’s better to give than to receive.” Somehow we have popularized the idea that giving should […]

Fourth quarter jitters: Charitable giving tips to reduce your stress

Fourth quarter jitters: Charitable giving tips to reduce your stress You are not alone if you begin to feel a little anxious when October rolls around. Many people experience year-end stress, whether because of looming deadlines at work, tax-related estate planning cut-off dates, anticipating a busy holiday season of travel and social engagements, or simply […]

The Community Foundation Awards $25,000 to….

The Community Foundation Awards $25,000 to…. Since 1998, twenty-five years ago, The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County (TCFHR) has been a champion for this community, always thinking of donors’ interests and highlighting area needs. On October 5, TCFHR hosted a celebration for their 25 years of service to the Valley. The evening, set […]