2018 Scholarship Recipients

The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg & Rockingham County recently distributed 59 scholarship awards. In total, $172,030 was awarded to fifty-nine students from 23 different scholarship funds. Most of the recipients were local high school seniors, although one was a high school junior, another was a graduate student,  and one scholarship provided funding for community college transfer students. Types of scholarships vary in nature – some are financial need based, others are based on academic merit, while some are for students pursuing specific college majors, such as education, horticulture, agriculture, science or math.


The application window for next year’s scholarships opens in October 2018. Visit the scholarship section of our website to see a complete list and learn more about the scholarships we offer. If you are a high school junior, read about an award specifically for you – Award for High School Juniors. Check our Scholarship Frequently Asked Questions for general assistance, or contact Ann in our offices directly (540-432-3863) with specific questions you may have.


Click here to see the list of 2018 Scholarship Recipients.



Grant Application Available

The Fall 2018 Community Needs grant application is now available and the deadline has been extended. Nonprofit organizations located within and serving Harrisonburg and Rockingham County are eligible to apply. Historically, organizations may apply through this process once per calendar year. However, moving forward, the Community Needs process will be an annual one, with a fall application and award cycle. The 2019 application deadline is 9/3/19.


Current applications are due on October 11. Nonprofit organizations that submitted an application in the spring 2018 cycle may apply again now. Projects submitted will be considered for annual funding from the Community Endowment Fund or the Valley Arts & Culture Fund in November. Projects submitted through this process are also marketed to local civic organizations, private foundations, giving circles, and to the private and corporate fund holders of The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County.


Call 540-432-3863 or contact [email protected] with eligiblity or application questions.

Employment Opportunity at TCFHR

The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg & Rockingham County is currently hiring. For more information review the recent job posting.

Spring Grants Awarded

The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County recently made annual grant awards for the Sean Warner Memorial Fund, the Valley Arts & Culture Fund, and the Community Endowment Fund. Consideration for these awards is made through an application process and grants benefit nonprofit organizations located in the Harrisonburg and Rockingham area.


The Sean Warner Memorial Endowment Fund was established by Mark and Susan Warner to honor the memory of their son by helping other children. This fund was created to contribute to general charitable purposes within the area of emotional support services for children of divorced parents. The 2018 recipient of the $450 grant is Family Life Resource Center, to support its Scholarship Fund project. (Family Life Resource Center is still seeking monies to fully fund this project.)


The Valley Arts and Culture Fund provides program, project and seed funds to small and medium sized nonprofit organizations promoting performing and visual arts, and interpreting the culture and traditions of and in the Shenandoah Valley. This year four applications were considered for the Valley Arts and Culture Fund grant. The 2018 recipient of the $659 grant is Harrisonburg-Rockingham Historical Society for its project, “Harrisonburg History Exhibition in Downtown.” Funds for this project will help support the redesign of the comprehensive exhibit ‘Picturing Harrisonburg: Visions of a Shenandoah Valley City Since 1828,” housed in 2017 at JMU’s Duke Hall Gallery.  The proposed redesign project will create an educational exhibit suitable for the Atrium space at Harrisonburg City Hall. (Harrisonburg-Rockingham Historical Society is still seeking monies to fully fund this project.)


The Community Endowment is a permanent fund that helps finance projects of greatest benefit to Harrisonburg and Rockingham County, as determined by community leaders. This year 58 applications were reviewed for the Community Endowment grant. The 2018 recipient of the $6,127 grant is Blue Ridge Legal Services for its project, “Low-Income Older Adults Facing Critical Legal Needs.” Funds for this project will help sustain a half-time attorney position dedicated to providing free civil legal assistance to low-income senior citizens in Harrisonburg and Rockingham County facing critical legal needs, such as medical and other debts, financial exploitation, simple wills, nursing home discharges, Medicaid issues, etc. (Blue Ridge Legal Services is still seeking monies to fully fund this project.)


To find applications for the 2019 grant process, please visit the Grants Available page on The Community Foundation website.

Daily News-Record publishes ‘Giving Back’ – May 19, 2018

If you would like to have a print version of this booklet, please stop by our offices at 317 S. Main Street to pick up your copy, or call The Community Foundation directly, 540-432-3863, and we can mail one to you.


[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.tcfhr.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Giving-Back-2018-FINAL.pdf” title=”Giving Back 2018 FINAL”]

No Grant Distribution June 25 – 29

Grants will not be processed by The Community Foundation during the week of June 25-29, 2018. If you wish for a grant to be distributed by the end of June, please be sure to submit that request no later than noon on Tuesday, June 19.

Grant distribution will resume the week of July 2-6 for all submissions received in our office by noon on Tuesday, July 3.

We appreciate your patience and flexibility with staff vacation schedules and their impact on slight changes in our regular grant distribution cycle during the summer months.

GreatCommunityGive a huge success!

[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.tcfhr.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Summary-Report.pdf” title=”Summary Report”]

Thank you to WHSV-TV3 for covering Great Community Give!

Thank you to WHSV-TV3 for covering the story of the Great Community Give!

1 on 1: Great Community Give is coming up!

Executive Director of The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County, Revlan Hill, spoke with Bob Corso, WHSV News Anchor about the Great Community Give! Check out their interview.

The Breeze promotes Great Community Give!



Thank you to The Breeze, JMU’s student run newspaper since 1922. We are grateful for your coverage of the Great Community Give! Check out this article about Harrisonburg & Rockingham County’s first online giving day to benefit local nonprofit organizations! Remember to Point.Click.GIVE on APRIL 18!