Summary Report on 2019 GreatCommunityGive

The 2019 GreatCommunityGive was a resounding success for the community of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County! Read the summary report to learn more about this exciting day of giving.

Voice of America (VOA) broadcast features the GreatCommunityGive

The Voice of America (VOA) broadcast on June 28 features a story on the 2019 GreatCommunityGive and the genorosity of our local community. Watch “Small Virginia Town Raises Big Bucks for Charity.”

2019 GreatCommunityGive Only 3 Weeks Away!

The GreatCommunityGive is one day when the Harrisonburg and Rockingham County community come together to raise money for area nonprofits who work all year round. On Wednesday, April 17, individuals in our community have the opportunity to support 89 different nonprofit organizations through online donations.


Our 2019 goal is to raise $333,000 on April 17 from 3,333 unique donors for community nonprofits. It is easy to give:

  • Point, Click, Give.
  • You can schedule your giving.
  • You can donate $10, $20, or more, to as many organizations as you wish.
  • Join in the fun and be part of a community wide effort!

Guidestar and Foundation Center to become Candid

As donors, many are familiar with Guidestar and its goal to provide “fair, accurate, and objective information about foundations and nonprofits.” At The Community Foundation we use this resource on a regular basis to research possible grant recipients. Foundation Center is less known to donors, but an equally useful resource for those searching for grants and grant-making information. GuideStar and Foundation Center are in the process of integrating operations to become Candid – a resource to provide a “360-degree view of the work of social good—who’s doing what, where on the issues that matter to people around the world.”

The transition will occur over the next several years. The new name, Candid, is descriptive of the organizations’ desire to be transparent and “continue to earn our stakeholders’ trust in an information-wary world”. Both the and websites are available for the time being. There are links to both websites on the as well. We will keep you posted as changes occur.

National Standards Accreditation Affirms Our Commitment to Excellence

The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County announced today receipt of national accreditation issued by the National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations®. This accreditation, signified by the Seal, indicates that the Community Foundation of H/R meets the highest standards for philanthropic excellence.

“This is a tremendous accomplishment for our community,” said Joe Paxton, Chair of the Board. “When people trust us with a charitable bequest, or set up a fund while they are living, they do so knowing that the Foundation meets the rigorous national standards for excellence in donor services, investment management, grantmaking and administration.”

The Foundation works diligently to protect the community’s assets, and to allow the donors to achieve their charitable goals. National Standards ensures donors, grantees and the community that the Foundation has policies in place for financial stability and longevity, affirming continued commitment to excellence. In short: the Foundation is a proven place for persons to give, and to make a difference.

The process of earning National Standards accreditation is arduous, requiring community foundations adopt and implement policies for donor services, investments, grantmaking and administration. The compliance documentation for TCFHR was reviewed by a community foundation expert, selected from a panel appointed by the Community Foundations National Standards Board. The Standards Board is a supporting organization of the Council on Foundations in Arlington, V.A.

“The National Standards accreditation says this house is in order” said Revlan Hill, Executive Director of The Community Foundation. “It is excellent validation of the work we do on behalf of our donors and this community.”

The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County was accredited by the Community Foundations National Standards Board in December 2018. Accreditation is valid for five years until December 2023.

Daily News-Record publishes ‘Giving Back’ – November 2018

If you would like to have a print version of this booklet, please stop by our offices at 317 S. Main Street in December to pick up your copy, or call The Community Foundation directly, 540-432-3863, and we can mail one to you.


Little Swiss Fund Awards Highland County Nonprofits

The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County announced this week that its Little Swiss Fund Grants Committee met to review ten applications for the first annual grant award process. The Little Swiss Fund is a permanently endowed fund, whose monies are invested and provide an annual distribution to benefit the Highland County nonprofit community. The distribution is 4% of a five-year average of the fund’s balance. This year’s grants will provide $53,213 to five charitable organizations.


NPO Special Project/Operating Support Grant Award
Alleghany Mountain Institute Phase I Fellows $11,700
Highland County Fair Association, Inc. General Operating Support $12,775
Highland County Humane Society, Inc. Community Pet Retention and Foster Care $2,673
Highland Medical Center, Inc. A Prescription for Exercise $19,150
Highland County Volunteer Fire Department General Operating Support $6,915


The Community Foundation will distribute grants annually from the Little Swiss Fund to 501(c) (3) tax-exempt organizations in Highland County. Nonprofits with broad active volunteer support and annual revenues exceeding $25,000 are encouraged to apply for grant funding through a competitive application process. Organizations must receive less than half their income from government entities to be eligible. Religious organizations may apply.


To submit an application for funding, visit The Community Foundation’s website, . The 2019 Little Swiss Fund Grants application will be available in August, with a deadline of November 1.  The review committee will begin reviewing applications in October, and grants will be distributed by November 30. The 2019 distribution is estimated to be $144,000.


Contact Ann Siciliano at 540-432-3863 or [email protected] with questions.

Part-time Employment Opportunity at TCFHR – FILLED

The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg & Rockingham County is currently hiring. For more information review the recent job posting.